Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fatty P. Has Returned

Fatty P. the possum had gotten trapped up in the chicken wire at the top of my fence one night last year around in like October, and I had to call animal control to come help me untangle him. He was looking so pitiful then. Even though he never tried to hurt the cats or anything and just came to eat catfood, I asked the animal control guy if he could just take him somewhere there were woods and drop him off so he wouldnt have to worry about that again....the guy was really rude and said no if I take him in, he will be put down. Why put him down?? He hadnt hurt anybody. That just ticked me off, so I told him to just let him go.
I hadnt seen Fatty P. for a few months then suddenly he returned. I knew it was him because of how he acted with the cats, but he was skin and bones. The time he had been gone he apparently wasnt able to come across a lot of food. He has plumped back up since he's been back thankfully, and tonight he went behind some stuff in my carport and I took the camera out and got this picture of him. He looks so sad and pitiful, and looks like he's been beaten up on really bad by something too. Hopefully the kitties will let him eat like usual and he can have his supper.

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