Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gray Kitten

I was finally able to get a picture of the little gray fat lump kitten closer up. This one is an explorer and not scared of much. I have a feeling this one is going to get itself into some trouble.
Last night I went outside and this little fella was sitting under the front tire of my dad's old ugly truck just watching me, didnt even try to run. So I came in and got some tuna and boy those two kittens went crazy hehee

I threw the tuna a little closer to me to where they were standing right under me eating it. The little black one was too scared and kept running off, but the gray one didnt care, he stayed and ate so I reached down and pet him. He wasnt happy of course, growling at me the whole time hehee but he didnt run and didnt try to make my hand a pin cushion either. But he is definitely a fat little thing hehee Momma is taking very good care of them.

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